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Drawing Together Project v2.0

The first Drawing Together project of it’s 2nd year was held on Oct. 24th at the Pasadena Central Library. The project will continue with the same format of hosting a speaker and offering a drawing activity to encourage a culture of personal and collective health. If you are interested in …

Drawing Together

On September 26th I will launch a new project called, Drawing Together, which aims to build coalition around the ways in which art contributes to a culture of health in a city. A series of conversations will be held to engage community about the relationship of art and health, and …


In May of 2017 I completed the Arts for LA ACTIVATE Fellowship, which is a 9-month program. Each meeting focused on different advocacy topics within Cultural Policy and resulted in a final project. My original approach was as both an artist and community member that was pure advocacy, but the …

Election Themed Art Exhibition

As we approach the election of our 45th president, the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery will exhibit art works that engage or is in response to citizenship and its contemporary relationship to the American political system.  In doing so, the Gallery hopes to create a platform whereby the creative community can …

Craft Night at CAFAM

The Craft and Folk Art Museum (CAFAM) hosts Craft Nights monthly at their mid-city location across from the Los Angeles County of Art Museum (LACMA). Every first Thursday night of the month a different artist from the LA area is chosen to share a process they use with the outcome …

Women’s Dinner

In November of 2013, the Women’s Center for Creative Work (WCCW) invited 50 women, which could each invite one guest, for a total of 100 women to join them in the Los Angeles Historic Park. I was fortunate to be a guest of a guest and was able to meet …

Creative Time Summit

Reporting back from the Creative Time Summit of 2013. Conferences such as these are always inspiring, especially for such a small and dedicated group of people that are all over the world. The chosen theme for the year was Art and Dislocation in the 21st Century. Artists from all over …

Grant Award

       &         I’ve just been awarded a NextGen Arts Award from the Center for Cultural Innovation for my role as an Arts Administrator. This grant will allow me to attend the national Creative Time Summit to learn about other organizations in the field, and to inform my …

Building a Business

I am in the process of completing a health educator certificate with the intention of creating a business based off of my “Save Yourself” project. This fee for service will be an extension of my art practice, and will be used in my artwork as a free component. This is …